माघ २७, २०८१ आइतबार
  • ताजा अपडेट
  • English
  • ”Wabu-Chindo” pond cleaning by Shramdan

    Sakela- Wabuu (Chindo) pond constructed in Tawabhanjayang located in Sakela Rural Municipality-3, Khidima has been cleaned through public donation. On Tuesday, after the pond was filled up due to floods and landslides, on the initiative of Khidima Ward Office, the local citizens were gathered and the stones, gravel and sand filled in the pond were removed through Shramdan.

    The pond, which was built two years ago with the investment of Sakela Rural Municipality, was buried due to rain. Ward Chairman Mr. Gobind Tamang said that the Chindo Pond, which was built based on Kirati Culture and Mundhum, was cleaned through Shramdan after it was buried. People’s representatives, political workers and employees reached Tawabhanjang along with more than 100 local residents to donate.

    Sakela rural municipality chief of president Mr. Ravi Prakash Rai and vice-president Mrs. Birsika Rai were also present to clean the pond and support public donation. Together with the local citizens, both the president and the vice president helped to manage the sand filled in the pond.

    Stating that the labor donation campaign conducted by the ward committee is an exemplary work, Chairman Rai said that it is necessary for other ward committees to conduct labor donation campaign for development works. The existing development structures are deteriorating, of rupees will be spent to improve them, if the labor donation campaign can be carried out in physical developments that are directly related to the people, the state will save of money – President Rai said.

    It used to cost more than two lakh rupees to clean the pond along the Mundhum trail. Ward no. 3 Khidima has been able to get a decision from the ward committee to conduct labor donation campaign for development works. In the labor campaign conducted in this way, food items produced at the local level have been used.

    According to Tamang, ward president, it has been decided to give priority to local products in the programs conducted by the ward while banning imported materials.

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